djuice: Create An APP to Win iPads, Smartphones and PKR 5000 airtime

djuice (short of digital juice) is a youth based mobile phone plan from Telenor. It is currently available in Bangladesh, Hungary, Montenegro, Norway, Pakistan, Sweden and Ukraine

What is Apportunity

djuice gives you the opportunity to showcase your talent and channel your creativity towards something constructive. You can now develop your own mobile apps and get them published with our help. Show your mettle and let merit be the only judge. This will provide you and your apps global exposure!
Competition details

We will help publish your submitted apps on Nokia OVI, Apple AppStore, Android Marketplace, etc. This will promote your app globally via App stores if published. Furthermore, we will reward apps that get the most number of downloads:

  • iPads
  • Smartphones
  • PKR 5000 airtime

Mobile App Categories for the Competition

  • Games & Fun
  • Friends & Social
  • Location & Presence
  • Music & Tones
  • Basic & Utilities
  • Urdu & Regional
  • Green & Environment
  • Health & Fitness
  • Education & Learning
  • Others

App Development Platforms

You can work on any of the following platforms for your app:

  • Java
  • Bada
  • Android
  • Symbian 
  • iOS

How to participate

Step 1: Register at the Website for free
Step 2: Develop & Submit your app on the Website for free
Step 3: App QA & Publishing

That’s it! Now you stand a chance to get your app published and strike real big. Now that’s what you call a job aptly rewarded.

Questions? Read FAQs and Terms & Conditions.

How to Extract Digits From a String in C#

How to Extract digits from a string in Csharp. String is a common data type which we use in our code but some time we have to perform some kind of function on string. It is a example of how you can extract numeric digits. Follow the following steps:
Requirement for the use of timer control is following.

- Operating System : Windows XP, Windows 7 , Vista
- Platform : .Net 2.0 or greater
- IDE : Visual Studio
- Language : Csharp

Now Follow the following steps :

- Create New Project on Visual Studio
- Select language C#
- Now Select the Console Application

Add this to your code at top :

using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

Use the Following Function :

public static string[] ExtractDigits(string data)
System.Text.RegularExpressions.MatchCollection matches
= System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Matches(data,@"(\d+\.?\d*|\.\d+)");
string[] MatchList = new string[matches.Count];
int c = 0;
foreach (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match match in matches)
MatchList[c] = match.ToString();
return MatchList;
Now you can use this function in many forms for example im using it for sum of digits :

static void Main(string[] args)
string st = "sfdsdfj3w4ew3434mnskjfns34wq34";
int sum = 0;
string[] arra = ExtractDigits(st);

for (int i = 0; i < arra.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine(arra[i]); sum+= Convert.ToInt32(arra[i]); } Console.WriteLine("SUM is : "+sum.ToString()); Console.ReadLine(); }

How To Create A Log File

We start from the simple question that why we need to create a log file in our application. Simple is that log file keep record of all transaction of data or tells us about the action that we done in application. It help us to recover all previous data. I read many forum related to coding from where I get the question, is there any kind of built in function or .dll in C# that maintains log file. So answer to that question is that there is no such a function or .dll that handle this event. For this purpose I will suggest that y u not make your own program that help you to create a log file.

How To Create Hot Key in Windows Application With Csharp

This is my 4th Tutorial about the basic Windows Programming. Hot key are such key which we embed is in our application for ease of user. For example when we write a URL in browser we write Google and then press Ctrl+Enter then URL look like this it’s a basic example. we use Alt+F4 to close any kind of window. If you never done this before then your may be thinking that it is very difficult but dear you will surprise to know that its so much easy to create a Hot Key in Windows Application with Csharp.


HP ePrint, Is it reliable?

HP is the one of the best Computer accessories provider. Everyone knows well what is the quality of HP printer, it is pretty awesome. Recently HP has introduced some printer with ePrint. The ePrint providing a facility to send print request from anywhere in the world through the Email. The ePrint service sound good because you do not need any kind of driver or particular software to avail this service. The ePrint service's based on cloud infrastructure, but is it reliable?for jj

Samsung Ends Support for Symbian

As expected Samsung has finally wraped up it`s support to Symbian and has completely switched to Android. Samsung was once used to be the top symbian producers and also helped developers to create certain symbian third part applications but now the track has changed

On October 29th, Samsung closed the “” tool. On December 30th, they closed the Symbian developers forum that they hosted. And yesterday, they ended all Symbian support content hosted on their sites.

Android is caused another technology giant to attract towards it, seems like apart from Nokia who is still heavly relying on symbian rest are moving towards the Android world.

SEOTIPS: PHP Google Hack Keyword Summary

inurl: index.php?
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Category = inurl: article.php?
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Decl_i …
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via [Biggest Guru]
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QuickTip For Blogger: How To Optimize Website Pictures?

Image optimization is the site search engine optimization one of the most important part. The pictures on the website search engin optimization / SEO website will not only bring more additional traffic, but also bring visitors a better user experience. Images in this article summarizes the optimization techniques to note 16.
1. In the picture of the alt tag (replacement text) to add keywords, which is image optimized in the most important point.
2. Standard image embed code should contain five key tags: src, width, height, alt and title. Replace the text (alt) is to give those who can not see images in your document text description provided here. title is a description and additional images to add, if you need to text when the mouse through the pictures should prompt property title. Alt tag generally the most critical.
3. Give you the picture a descriptive and contain your target keywords in the file name. If you have a lovely parrot picture is about, then this should be used as a descriptive parrot.jpg file name, rather than using the code name t123.jpg such is, of course, can make the image file name and ALT tags inside the content of the same or the same. Do not casually use such names pic1234.jpg, but should describe more clearly the name of cute-parrot.jpg.
4. Picture and where the content must be related to: web visitors to browse images is not the first thing, but it will make visitors stay longer on the page longer. (Based on eye tracking research, browsing the text of priority in the picture, but when printing the article, people will look at the picture. While looking at web pages will look at the text, but pictures will make them stay longer pages longer and more impressive)
5. In the picture around to add relevant information. If you use Google search for images, will be not difficult to find in each picture there will be a descriptive text under which keywords appear in bold. Google Image Search by analyzing the page image in the vicinity of the text, images, headings and many other elements to determine the image content. Therefore, the picture around to add a description contains the keyword information to optimize website pictures in search engine rankings.
6. Point to the picture links to include keywords.
Open the image using the hyperlink, then the name of the hyperlink of keywords should include pictures, for example you want to link a lovely parrot picture, it should not use the “Click for full size” and link text, but should try to use such as ” Lovely parrot “named form like.
7. Use Tag to tag the picture. Use as flickr photo storage services like, it is best for the pictures with tag.
8. To ensure the picture can be crawled by search engines. Set the site robots.txt file to ensure image files can be searched spider crawling. Remember not to use javascript links to picture files. If you do so, search engines can not retrieve your image of the document.
9. No need to optimize your site for all the pictures. Such as the use of template images, navigation in the image are background images, etc., we do not have ALT tags for these add a picture, we can put these pictures in a separate folder. And by setting the robots.txt file to block spiders to crawl these pictures.
You can set all the spiders have been prevented from crawling the images:
User-agent: *
Disallow: / Images
Can only prevent Google image search spiders crawl:
User-agent: Googlebot-Image
Disallow: / Images
10. To avoid a repeat of the picture. For example, your site a picture of three forms: small size of the picture, medium size image, the larger size of the image. So, do not let it be indexed to the three pictures. Deal with this situation the best way is to use robots.txt file to tell spiders not to crawl you do not want to be indexed image version.
11. Number of images per page is less possible.
12. Note that the image size to accommodate the search engine, such as your link is a wallpaper, then the size of wallpaper should be compliant. As Google, Baidu and other image search are available under the picture size to search.
13. Frequently updated picture. If you do not change the picture for a long time (image size, image file size, image location and image name so no change), its ranking may be reduced, because the search engine would suspect image content is outdated.
14. Using Google Webmaster enhanced image search. Enable enhanced image search, Google will use tools such as Google Image Labeler your site includes images associated with the label in order to optimize the picture quality of the index and improve the search.
15. Check the index by search engines picture search picture your situation. In order to check the pictures on the website optimization is successful, need to monitor the search engine on the web site picture of your rate. Method is search bar input (to replace you need to check the domain name). Other search engines have this feature.

BenQ: Launch It First Tablet PC in the First Quarter of 2011

A tablet PC is a portable personal computer. Touchscreen is a primary input device and designed to be operated by an individual for personal use. Tablet PC’s concept was given  by Microsoft in 2001.
First time ever BenQ launching its first Tablet PC. Next year it will launch in China and Taiwan. After this launch BenQ will be enter in the competition of Tablet PC's. BenQ tablet PC given name is R100.
There are some specification of BenQ’s R100:

LCD Touchscreen  10.1'inche 1024 * 600 Resolution
OS Google's Android mobile
Processor 833MHZ
Battery timing when reading 12 hours
Internal Storage 8GB
SD slot Yes
Mini-USB Yes
Mini-HDMI Yes
Earphone Jack Yes
Wi-Fi 802.11 Yes
Bluetooth Yes
Thick 15mm
Weight 720 g

Company will not show any picture of R100 till its officially launch.

How To Make Money Online From Internet?

With each passing day, Internet is changing world around us. It has not only changed our lifestyle but also the way we do business, make money and generate income. Now make money online and making online businesses are the biggest trends in the world.
There are thousands of Pakistanis that are earning online very well. Even few have earned thousands of Dollars in last few years and have established very big companies online.
This website has many pages, tips, and techniques on how to make money online from Pakistan, making money online from Pakistan, running affiliate programs from Pakistan, make money through freelancing from Pakistan, useful tips, money-making articles, researches, reviews and recommendations. So Just Read, Learn and Earn Online!

How to Make Money Online

We have categorized and compiled a list of the available to make money online methods so that every visitor will have a reference point which provides them with all information they need. Choose a category which suits you most to earning money online. Read and learn as much as you can in that category and start Earning Online but again do this in your free time:

Ways to Make Money Online

  1. Set Up a Blog and Earn $500 to $1,500 Per Month.
  2. Start a Website and Earn $300 to $1,000 Per Month.
  3. Start Affiliate Marketing and Earn $1,000 to $3,000 Per Month.
  4. Start an Online Business and Earn $5,000 to $15,000 Per Month.
  5. Find a Virtual Job or Freelance and Earn $1500 to $5000.
  6. Start Domaining and Earn $300 to $2000 per Month.
  7. Participate in Get-Paid-Websites and Earn $300 to $1000.

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